Friday 2 January 2015

Blog Update // Happy New Year!

By now you'd have to only check this blog every 4 months. I know, I'm inconsistent, but I've thought up of a schedule. That I can commit to.

Sorry for not going anywhere with Summer Hill Court. I think what I'm going to do with that is just give you Sim Updates for that and move the trailer to the Other category.

I also don't want to make people actually think my name is Petra because it isn't. I'd like to say my name is way, way cooler than the name Petra.

I did end up buying The Sims 4, but I may of already told you that. I don't think I did though. I haven't really played it much at all. The Sims 3 however, I've been playing heaps of that.

Hope you had a good year of 2014 and I hope the same goes for 2015. In the spirit of people who die from drink driving, please don't drink and drive. Also for people driving, please be aware that you could be a victim of drink driving at any known time. Be safe for 2015.

BE SAFE FOR 2015. I mean it.

- Petra

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