Monday 25 August 2014

Interview with Petra // The Sims 4

Here it is! My answers to some very important TS4 questions!

What did you think of The Sims 4: Create-A-Sim Demo?
I like how it doesn't take long for a tab to load as it does in TS3, but I have a feeling that's going to change once expansion packs, stuff packs and custom content enter the mix.

How do you feel about there not being toddlers?
It makes me a little scared to buy The Sims 4. I feel very attached to The Sims 3 and if there's not going to be any toddlers, I'm not sure if  TS4 is worth buying.

Do you think it's better to have all the colours pre-set for you or worse?
I'm a person who likes to dye their Sims' hair, but there's going to be things that I won't like and I'll just deal with it. I can easily deal with pre-set colours.

Are you going to buy The Sims 4 one day?
I'm not too sure actually. I mean, my birthday is a bit after September 8 (when The Sims 4 releases where I am) so I'll have the money to buy it, but still. I might buy the $9 Fast Lane Stuff instead.

Will you wait for it to become cheaper instead?
Yeah, probably. I don't advise to go to the big department stores because they don't specialise in technology necessarily and will try to sell things for double the price. No way in the world was I buying The Sims 3 for $80!!!

- Petra

Saturday 23 August 2014

Interview with Valencia // The Sims 4

Sorry that I haven't posted in such a long time! But here I am again! I was asked lots of questions about what I thought of The Sims 4, so here's the interview!

What did you think of The Sims 4: Create-A-Sim Demo?
I thought it was pretty cool.

What made it enjoyable?
We got more things to create your Sims with.

How do you feel about there not being toddlers?
Well, I think it's wrong because being a toddler is a stage of life where you learn how to talk and walk.

Do you think it's better to have all the colours pre-set for you or worse?
I am mad that they don't allow us to make our own colours because people love making ombres and making zany hair colours.

Are you going to buy The Sims 4 one day?
Yep! Definitely! It's amazing because of the elaborate emotions and detail!

So there it was! Expect the same questions to be answered by Petra in a few days.

- Valencia

Thursday 14 August 2014

The Remmington Diaries // Day 2

Week 1, Day 2 - Matthew Remmington's Diary

03:11 am: If only Claire hadn't started the fire, we would've been able to WooHoo together.

10:58 am: I managed to fit a WooHoo into the day. I'm the luckiest man on Earth with a wife like Claire.

09:42 pm: Just got home from first day (or rather afternoon) at work. My hours are terrible! 3pm - 9pm is me missing out on dinner with Claire. Claire was already asleep before I got home so I'll have to work hard to improve my hours. Although, there's the chance they'll just get even more terrible. I'll just have to wait and find out.

- Petra

Wednesday 13 August 2014

The Sims 3 CAS // Meet Tori

You may know Tori Remmington from my Sim Update on the Remmington Family, but if you don't, I shall explain who she is.

Tori Remmington is the adorable daughter of Matthew and Claire Remmington. She has just started primary school (elementary school) and is making friends. She seems reasonably happy on the outside, but on the inside she is deeply concerned about her parents' divorce.

My rule with modifying appearances is that I will NOT change their hair and eye colour. Tori had the same hairstyle (Skysims 193) when she was a toddler and I felt that it fitted her perfectly. With her facial structure, I try to make it look as normal as possible. The nose still doesn't look right but it's as close as it's going to get.

I thought about the current children's fashion when I was creating this outfit for Tori. I gave her a pair of "goes-with-everything" pants and a pink top (because... girls!). With the shoes, I just gave her some "heavy duty" sneakers that will last through all the playground adventures of childhood.

Those pants are NOT leaving! Who thought that a pair of simple grey base-game pants would be so popular? Nobody did, I guess. I absolutely love this TS3 Generations shirt. I love the intricate design and how it looks so good! I also love the black boots too. The only problem with them is I have to find baggy-enough pants to cover them.

I don't really understand why anybody would let their sims wear slippers to bed. That's the only problem with slippers in The Sims 3, and the reason why every single one of my sims are always barefoot when they go to bed. Also, I love onesies!

I like getting the athletic outfit over and done with. It's not really something a person has a lot of options for. That's why I go straight to the outfits tab and I found this outfit. I'm not a big fan of floral but this was an exception because it was this or bright-coloured overalls. I chose this.

This is the only one I haven't been all stereotypical and gone with a pink alternative. Flippers just look weird on any sim so I went with the barefoot option.

Something you should know about is that I love bright colours. The brighter, the better. I just love how everything goes together perfectly like a puzzle. *sigh*

- Petra

The Remmington Diaries - Day 1

Week 1, Day 1 - Claire Remmington's Diary

08:00 am: It's Sunday. Me and Matthew have moved into our new home situated in Twinbrook. We cancelled our plans of university and instead we're just going to get jobs without much experience. Of course, in Matthew's situation, he has an athletic physique but he's still as inexperienced in Professional Sports as I am with my Acrobat career. I'm not even an official Acrobat yet. I'm waiting for the paperboy to deliver today's newspaper so I can look through the jobs and become an Acrobat.

09:41 pm: I was cooking some perfectly normal Mac & Cheese and I had just put it on the stove and then TADA!!! My bad cooking karma pays me back with a kitchen fire! I should just give up on ever cooking again! Especially Mac & Cheese. I was the one who extinguished the fire. Matthew, on the other hand, ran out of the bedroom and screamed at me. He was so supportive to his wife.

- Petra

Sim Update // The Remmington Family

Every now and then, I make a "perfect" family. By "perfect", I mean that the family just lives a normal, happy life.

Matthew Remmington and Claire Parks met in high school. They vowed to spend the rest of their lives together and nothing will ever come between their love. Once they graduated, they married and had university plans, but instead chose to have Gabriel and Tori. When their children were younger, Claire revealed to Matthew that she just wasn't happy with their marriage and they got divorced. Now they're both back together (with plans to get remarried) and Claire is expecting a third child.

Matthew is a Toddlers' Sports Coach at the local stadium with dreams to become a Sports Star. Matthew and Claire both bonded over their love for sport during high school by taking up all the athletic activities. Matthew is currently still a young adult but will be maturing into an adult quite soon.

Claire is an adult professional acrobat for the TS3 Ambitions town of Twinbrook. Being pregnant causes difficulties for Claire and her profession so she isn't exactly the one supporting the household. Since going through her midlife crisis, she has started dying her hair bright colours and at the height, divorced Matthew.

Gabriel is your average over-privileged, good-looking teenager. He's only just transitioned into being a teenager so there's nothing exciting like prom that's he's experienced. It's funny how he inherited all of his mother's genetics, to the point where Matthew could be passed off as a step-father.

Tori was a little cutie when she was a toddler, but now she's a child and making the most of it. She hasn't done much because she's only transitioned into a child recently. She's obviously the female version of her father.

This will definitely be a family I'll post about often. I have kept a text document that's written as a diary and it's quite intriguing in my opinion. I'll post the entries up for your entertainment under the label "Other". That's probably the type of things you should be expecting on that page.

- Petra

Part-Time Simmer // KPopp

If you've been wondering why there hasn't been a post in nearly a fortnight is because I've been sick with a cold. Don't worry about me because I'm a lot better now. As for Valencia, she's more of a guest. Think of me as the main poster here on MSO. Now that we've got that all sorted, let's go on to what this post is about.

I didn't list this Part-Time Simmer on my post about Full-Time and Part-Time Simmers, but she does quite a variety of Sim-related things.

This "she" is KPopp (aka Kelly). She has a discontinued series on the Pregnant Challenge, and has three current series on The Sims 3.
  • Facade
  • Hunger Games
  • Into The Future (discontinued)
  • Island Paradise (discontinued)
  • Pregnant Challenge (discontinued)
  • Sims 4 CAS
  • University Life (discontinued)
She plays The Sims 3 a lot more stranger than what you'd expect. Her reason why is because she says that having a normal life is for real life and the stranger lives are for The Sims 3.

The best way to introduce you to KPopp would be showing you a video, so here you go!

- Petra