Wednesday 13 August 2014

Part-Time Simmer // KPopp

If you've been wondering why there hasn't been a post in nearly a fortnight is because I've been sick with a cold. Don't worry about me because I'm a lot better now. As for Valencia, she's more of a guest. Think of me as the main poster here on MSO. Now that we've got that all sorted, let's go on to what this post is about.

I didn't list this Part-Time Simmer on my post about Full-Time and Part-Time Simmers, but she does quite a variety of Sim-related things.

This "she" is KPopp (aka Kelly). She has a discontinued series on the Pregnant Challenge, and has three current series on The Sims 3.
  • Facade
  • Hunger Games
  • Into The Future (discontinued)
  • Island Paradise (discontinued)
  • Pregnant Challenge (discontinued)
  • Sims 4 CAS
  • University Life (discontinued)
She plays The Sims 3 a lot more stranger than what you'd expect. Her reason why is because she says that having a normal life is for real life and the stranger lives are for The Sims 3.

The best way to introduce you to KPopp would be showing you a video, so here you go!

- Petra

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