Monday 25 August 2014

Interview with Petra // The Sims 4

Here it is! My answers to some very important TS4 questions!

What did you think of The Sims 4: Create-A-Sim Demo?
I like how it doesn't take long for a tab to load as it does in TS3, but I have a feeling that's going to change once expansion packs, stuff packs and custom content enter the mix.

How do you feel about there not being toddlers?
It makes me a little scared to buy The Sims 4. I feel very attached to The Sims 3 and if there's not going to be any toddlers, I'm not sure if  TS4 is worth buying.

Do you think it's better to have all the colours pre-set for you or worse?
I'm a person who likes to dye their Sims' hair, but there's going to be things that I won't like and I'll just deal with it. I can easily deal with pre-set colours.

Are you going to buy The Sims 4 one day?
I'm not too sure actually. I mean, my birthday is a bit after September 8 (when The Sims 4 releases where I am) so I'll have the money to buy it, but still. I might buy the $9 Fast Lane Stuff instead.

Will you wait for it to become cheaper instead?
Yeah, probably. I don't advise to go to the big department stores because they don't specialise in technology necessarily and will try to sell things for double the price. No way in the world was I buying The Sims 3 for $80!!!

- Petra

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