Wednesday 13 August 2014

Sim Update // The Remmington Family

Every now and then, I make a "perfect" family. By "perfect", I mean that the family just lives a normal, happy life.

Matthew Remmington and Claire Parks met in high school. They vowed to spend the rest of their lives together and nothing will ever come between their love. Once they graduated, they married and had university plans, but instead chose to have Gabriel and Tori. When their children were younger, Claire revealed to Matthew that she just wasn't happy with their marriage and they got divorced. Now they're both back together (with plans to get remarried) and Claire is expecting a third child.

Matthew is a Toddlers' Sports Coach at the local stadium with dreams to become a Sports Star. Matthew and Claire both bonded over their love for sport during high school by taking up all the athletic activities. Matthew is currently still a young adult but will be maturing into an adult quite soon.

Claire is an adult professional acrobat for the TS3 Ambitions town of Twinbrook. Being pregnant causes difficulties for Claire and her profession so she isn't exactly the one supporting the household. Since going through her midlife crisis, she has started dying her hair bright colours and at the height, divorced Matthew.

Gabriel is your average over-privileged, good-looking teenager. He's only just transitioned into being a teenager so there's nothing exciting like prom that's he's experienced. It's funny how he inherited all of his mother's genetics, to the point where Matthew could be passed off as a step-father.

Tori was a little cutie when she was a toddler, but now she's a child and making the most of it. She hasn't done much because she's only transitioned into a child recently. She's obviously the female version of her father.

This will definitely be a family I'll post about often. I have kept a text document that's written as a diary and it's quite intriguing in my opinion. I'll post the entries up for your entertainment under the label "Other". That's probably the type of things you should be expecting on that page.

- Petra

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