Thursday, 31 July 2014
Alesso Hourglass Review
Just a disclaimer: A review is an opinion. An opinion isn't right or wrong. It's an opinion, people!
This hairstyle was inspired by a hairstyle Rihanna wore once. Alesso Hourglass is perfect for ombres! I love it because of that. I might only love it because it can do perfect ombres, but really, who's seen a sim ombre like that?! Not me until now!
What I love doing the most with this hairstyle is giving my sim ombres, but! The common blonde-ends ombre.
Thank you Alesso so much for making this hairstyle! I love it (hence the rating)!
Download link: Download Alesso Hourglass
- Petra
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Full-Time and Part-Time Simmers on YouTube
We've all "marathoned" LifeSimmer's fantastic LPs. We've all put PewDiePie's episodes on repeat, and who hasn't watched iHasCupquake?!
Today I'm listing my favourite simmers on YouTube. Not all of them are full-time like LifeSimmer, but their episodes are still great to watch.
Full-Time Simmers:
LifeSimmer (396K Subscribers)
LifeSimmer is a teenage girl who has a TS3 addiction! She currently has many series on TS3 expansion packs and has started a second season of her most popular LP.
Sims3Symbiote (30K Subscribers)
Sims3Symbiote is another person who has an addiction. Instead of making series on expansion packs, she does challenges like "Runaway Teen Challenge" and "Secret Agent Challenge".
Part-Time Simmers:
iHasCupquake (1M Subscribers)
iHasCupquake has multiple series on TS3. She has TS3 Late Night, TS3 University Life, TS3 Isla Paradiso, TS3 Into The Future and Modded TS3.
PewDiePie (29M Subscribers)
We all know who PewDiePie is. He's done 2 videos on TS3, 3 videos on TS3 Supernatural and 2 videos on TS4 CAS.
SmoshGames (4M Subscribers)
SmoshGames have done 4 videos altogether on TS3 expansion packs.
- Petra
July 2014 Wishlist // Hair
This is my July 2014 wishlist of hair! These are all store items that I wish I had!
This is all store content that falls under the category of hair.
Female Toddler Hair: Cinna-Sweet Hair Rolls (100 SimPoints)
Male Toddler Hair: Toddler Hawk (25 SimPoints)
Female Child Hair: Braided, Bundled and Beaded (100 SimPoints)
Male Child Hair: Wild Bed Head (100 SimPoints)
Female Teen - Elder Hair: Floral Updo (99 SimPoints)
Male Teen - Elder Hair: Dusty Peepers (100 SimPoints)
- Petra
Sim Update // The Island Family
Meet the Island Family! I use several (.package) mods for this family so here's the list:
- Cigarette Mod
- CmarNYC Pregnancy Controller 5
- Innocent Eyebrows Mod
- No Full Moon Lighting Effect Mod
- No Intro Mod
- Same Zodiac for Twins and Triplets Mod
- Supernatural Babies Mod
Valencia Island woke up one day in a hospital bed instead of her usual bedroom. She barely remembered last night. Did she take cannabis? Did she sign up for this out-of-this-world experiment? Valencia was given a contract and she signed it without reading the "Terms & Conditions" (as you do). Scientists had put a fertile egg in Valencia that was somehow manipulated to be male. She was given a device that she could control her pregnancies with and she was sent to a fenced up empty lot in the sparse part of town. Then the breeding begun.
I have used Valencia and Yvon in my last two headings so now you know that they were exceptions.
Since there isn't a second person to enter the gene pool, it makes me think whether or not someone is going to be born without brunette hair and blue eyes. Slim chances, I know.
I've also been doing mini-profiles for everybody, so here they are:
Above is Valencia. She's the head of the family, the one who started it all.
Yvon is Valencia's "science baby". What's with his name, you ask. I used and made it 1 out of 26. It gave me 25 (which means Y in the alphabet).
Who's the toddler? That's Xenia. Valencia's daughter and granddaughter. This is when the family tree feature gets interesting. Xenia's parents are Valencia and Yvon (duh!). I'm mid-way through aging her up to a young adult. Then I'm going to change her hair to a pretty hairstyle and also add make-up on her.
Just spilt lemonade all over my keyboard! Wiping it up is just swishing it further around.
- Petra
Boy Names for Your Sims // Part 1 of 26
This is my exclusive list of boy names from Huggies AU Baby Names.
This is Part 1 out of 26. Why? This takes ages to look up the origins of all these names, so for the time being, this is Part 1 of 26.
Aaron (Hebrew)
Abbas (Arabic)
Abel (Hebrew, Assyrian)
Abhijit (Hindu)
Abraham (Hebrew)
Ace (Anglo Saxon)
Achilles (Greek)
Adam (Hebrew)
Adiel (African)
Adnah (Hebrew)
Adrian (Latin, Greek)
Adriano (Italian)
Adolf (Teutonic)
Aero (unknown)
Ahmed (Arabic)
Aidan (Irish, Gaelic, Anglo Saxon)
Ajax (Greek)
Ala (Islamic)
Albert (German)
Albin (Polish)
Alec (Scottish)
Alejandro (Spanish)
Alexander (Greek)
Alexei (Russian)
Alfonso (Spanish)
Alon (Hebrew)
Alvan (Arabic)
Amadeus (Latin)
Amador (Spanish)
Amir (Arabic)
Ammon (Egyptian)
Amos (Hebrew)
Andre (French)
Andrey (Russian)
Andy (English)
Angelo (Italian)
Angus (Irish, Celtic, Scottish)
Andrew (Greek)
Anthony (Latin, Greek, Scottish)
Antonio (Spanish)
Antonius (unknown)
Apollo (Greek)
Archer (French, English)
Arnold (German, English)
Arpad (unknown)
Arthur (Celtic, English)
Ash (unknown)
Ashur (Hebrew)
Astro (Greek)
Athanasios (unknown)
Atticus (English)
Augustus (Latin)
Aurelius (Spanish)
Austin (French, English)
Avigdor (Hebrew)
Axel (Hebrew, Spanish)
There you go! This is not a list of my favourites! This is a list of what sounded the most normal baby names. Also, there is a whole lot more boy names starting with A on this website.
- Petra
The Sims Advice // Naming Your Sims
Do you spend 30 minutes deciding on a name for your sim? Yes? Well then, let me introduce you to baby name websites! OK, it's a little weird. Most people on those sites are, well, people who are expecting, but you won't regret this piece of advice.
I have two NotePad files called "BOY NAMES" and "GIRL NAMES". This is a preview of my "GIRL NAMES" list:
The website I use is Huggies. Basically, Huggies make nappies (aka diapers) for newborns to toddlers, but they have an excellent list of baby names.
Link: Huggies AU Baby Names
Depending on where you live, there'll be names that will be an absolute "no-no". For me, it'd be Native American names like Keezheekoni (girl name). Then there's absolutely beautiful names that I would've never came up with on my own like Princess, Oasis and Valencia, just to name a few.
The reason I started this baby names list was because at the time, I was going to be starting a new pregnant challenge, so I was going to need a lot of names, because last time the names were like "William", "Daniel", "Cara". Really ancient names, but I will admit Valencia has been around since the Roman Empire, but it isn't that common. That's the trick.
Now, instead of naming your sims Samuel and Sarah, you can name them Drew and Paris. New and improved names!
- Petra
Monday, 28 July 2014
The Sims 4 CAS // Meet Ella
Here you go guys! My first post about The Sims 4, and also my first post of a Create-A-Sim.
You should all know by now that there is a demo released of The Sims 4. However, because it isn't a completed game yet, it only allows users to play around with a fully functional CAS. Officials have even said that there will be additions to the CAS, so the CAS isn't even fully completed yet!
I have now created our model for The Sims 4, Ella.
Ella's everyday outfit is casual, so I went for a casual denim look. I didn't want any bright colours clashing with the denim so that's why the shirt is grey and the shoes are black and grey. It kind of looks like something a person would wear to get family photos done. Sort of like the whole 'white shirt and denim pants' set-up. With the make-up, I didn't put any blush or eye shadow on because Ella would be wearing this outfit for work, play and so many things that don't need eye shadow and blush.
I'll start with the make-up, I went for a "catty" look with the eye liner and eye shadow. I also applied an orange lipstick on because I've found out it gives a natural look to the lips. With the clothes I liked the monochrome stripes going on in the dress and it was way better than a fluorescent purple and green disco dress. Same with the shoes. I put long gloves on Ella:
1) because they were the only gloves available
2) because it gives a Cat Woman type of look to the whole outfit
Ella looks like a completely different person without make-up, doesn't she? With this, I kept it how I found it. I liked the funkiness of the shoes and the top and pants seemed to match enough. With the make-up, I thought what would an actual person do? Not wear any make-up! At least that would be what I'd do.
With Ella's sleep wear, I wanted something simple and something that looked comfortable. This ensemble looks quite comfortable, and it's very simple. With the Miley Cyrus-style hair, I thought about the comfort it gives. Although I don't expect in The Sims 4 for sims to have to brush their hair, it looks more normal to me having my sim have a hairstyle that won't get all knotted while she sleeps.
I know, you'd expect to see this outfit on either a pregnant sim or an adult sim. You get no to both! I liked how everything together made Ella look more mature. She may look too mature, but think of it this way. Imagine her without the blue blazer. See? Also, using the blue outfit was my excuse to not bother changing the shoes.
And there you have it! Our new model Ella has joined the MSO club! Don't worry about Rachael! She'll still be posing for all of our TS3 pictures, and Ella will be posing for all of our TS4 pictures. There will be definitely exceptions for Sim Updates and Create-A-Sims though.
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Alesso Cliche Review
Just a disclaimer: A review is an opinion. An opinion shouldn't be seen as a right or wrong thing. It's an opinion!
Alesso Cliche would have to be the best out of the Alesso hairstyles I own (hence the rating)! I love how the hair is loose and tight at the same time! The braid is tight and the wavy hair going into it is loose.
It's great for every outfit. Unfortunately, I wouldn't give every sim this hairstyle or else it would make everybody hair twins. I feel like this hairstyle goes with every hair colour (even ombrés)!
When I was playing around with the model, Rachael, I realised that with the maroon hair, she looked a lot like Ariana Grande. That's why I made it super important to make Rachael's eyes purple and not brown.
I love Alesso Cliche so much because it's everything. Being made by Alesso is just a bonus because Alesso's like a CC-making professional. I'm asking all of you to download Alesso Cliche on to your games right now, if you haven't already.
Download link: Download Alesso Cliche
- Petra
Friday, 25 July 2014
Alesso Ana Review
Just a disclaimer: A review is an opinion. An opinion shouldn't be seen as a right or wrong thing. It's an opinion!
Alesso Ana is a custom content hairstyle created by the awesome Alesso. This look goes great with nearly everything. Although Alesso Ana wouldn't look great with formal wear, it's a realistic hairstyle depicted off of the normal person. I swear I even had the hairstyle once! Twinsies!
I rate this hairstyle three stars because it's not as glamorous as others, but it'd go great with a sim with a business or journalism career.
Alesso Ana would suit a range of sims. From poor to rich, from unemployed to businesswoman, this hairstyle is for all your casual sim needs! Personally, I don't use this hairstyle often, but after I played around with it to shoot the photo for the heading, I realised it's 100% casual. It suits every age. Unfortunately it's only child to elder because I'd love to see this on my adorable sim toddlers!!
The set has two creations in it. One is a teen to elder, and the second is a child Alesso Ana. At least my sim children can go to school rockin' their Alesso Ana hair!
Download link: Download Alesso Ana
- Petra
The Sims 3 Tag (Valencia)
Hello everybody! My name's Valencia and I'm now a part of the MSO Team. Since this is my first post, I have to do the 'MSO Newbie Ritual' that pretty much is doing The Sims 3 Tag.
How long have you been playing The Sims 3?
For about a year.
Who/What got you into The Sims 3?
My older sister.
What do you love the most about all The Sims 3 Expansion Packs?
They expand your world for you and you can add anything to your Sims' lives, and make it so much more interesting!
What do you hate the most about all The Sims 3 Expansion Packs?
Sometimes you expect more than it has. For example, not being able to become a zombie in Create-A-Sim in TS3 Supernatural.
Which Sims 3 games do you own?
The Sims 3, TS3 Late Night, TS3 Supernatural, TS3 Island Paradise and TS3 Into The Future.
If you can add one new feature to The Sims 3 what would it be?
For your Sims to have super powers (I hope that'll be an expansion pack one day!).
How long do you hope to keep playing The Sims 3 for?
The rest of my life!
Would you ever sell your whole Sims 3 collection?
No way in the world!
Approximately how much money have you spent on The Sims 3?
$178. Woah!
Have you ever said "Happy Simming" to someone?
No, that would be creepy.
- Valencia
Welcome to My Sims Obsession + The Sims 3 Tag
Hi, I'm Petra and I've created a blog dedicated to The Sims video game trilogy. This blog will have posts of reviews of custom content, mods, expansion packs, and so much more.
To start off, I'll do The Sims 3 Tag.
How long have you been playing The Sims 3?
I've been playing The Sims 3 since June 2013.
Who/What got you into The Sims 3?
I watched YouTuber iHasCupquake play it and the game looked really fun so a few months later, I bought the game and here I am a year later.
What do you love the most about all The Sims 3 Expansion Packs?
I love that some of them add more realism (like TS3 Seasons), while some make the game more sci-fi (like TS3 Into The Future).
What do you hate the most about all The Sims 3 Expansion Packs?
When you have every single one of them, you get something called lag. Not the best when you're on the verge of receiving the 'Program Stopped Working' message.
Which Sims 3 games do you own?
OK, let me check. Every single expansion pack, every single stuff pack (but Fast Lane Stuff), and Monte Vista, Riverview, and Dragon Valley.
If you can add one new feature to The Sims 3 what would it be?
Be able to run every single pack without any lag.
How long do you hope to keep playing The Sims 3 for?
Until it's outdated on my PC. Which it'll never be!!!
Would you ever sell your whole Sims 3 collection?
No, no, and no. I'll pass down my games in the family, and it can be some vintage game to them.
Approximately how much money have you spent on The Sims 3?
I'm going to need a calculator for this. Heh heh, 439 Australian Dollars. Which equals approximately $413.26 in US Dollars as of now. *sigh*
Have you ever said "Happy Simming" to someone?
Um, Happy Simming everybody? To answer the question, yes I have! Just then. I'm so cool like that.
- Petra
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