Wednesday 30 July 2014

Full-Time and Part-Time Simmers on YouTube

We've all "marathoned" LifeSimmer's fantastic LPs. We've all put PewDiePie's episodes on repeat, and who hasn't watched iHasCupquake?!

Today I'm listing my favourite simmers on YouTube. Not all of them are full-time like LifeSimmer, but their episodes are still great to watch.

Full-Time Simmers:

LifeSimmer (396K Subscribers)
LifeSimmer is a teenage girl who has a TS3 addiction! She currently has many series on TS3 expansion packs and has started a second season of her most popular LP.
Sims3Symbiote (30K Subscribers)
Sims3Symbiote is another person who has an addiction. Instead of making series on expansion packs, she does challenges like "Runaway Teen Challenge" and "Secret Agent Challenge".

Part-Time Simmers:

iHasCupquake (1M Subscribers)
iHasCupquake has multiple series on TS3. She has TS3 Late Night, TS3 University Life, TS3 Isla Paradiso, TS3 Into The Future and Modded TS3.
PewDiePie (29M Subscribers)
We all know who PewDiePie is. He's done 2 videos on TS3, 3 videos on TS3 Supernatural and 2 videos on TS4 CAS.
SmoshGames (4M Subscribers)
SmoshGames have done 4 videos altogether on TS3 expansion packs.

- Petra

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