Wednesday 30 July 2014

Boy Names for Your Sims // Part 1 of 26

This is my exclusive list of boy names from Huggies AU Baby Names.

This is Part 1 out of 26. Why? This takes ages to look up the origins of all these names, so for the time being, this is Part 1 of 26.


Aaron                (Hebrew)
Abbas                (Arabic)
Abel                  (Hebrew, Assyrian)
Abhijit               (Hindu)
Abraham           (Hebrew)
Ace                   (Anglo Saxon)
Achilles              (Greek)
Adam                (Hebrew)
Adiel                 (African)
Adnah               (Hebrew)
Adrian               (Latin, Greek)
Adriano             (Italian)
Adolf                (Teutonic)
Aero                 (unknown)
Ahmed             (Arabic)
Aidan               (Irish, Gaelic, Anglo Saxon)
Ajax                 (Greek)
Ala                   (Islamic)
Albert               (German)
Albin                 (Polish)
Alec                  (Scottish)
Alejandro          (Spanish)
Alexander         (Greek)
Alexei                (Russian)
Alfonso             (Spanish)
Alon                 (Hebrew)
Alvan                (Arabic)
Amadeus          (Latin)
Amador            (Spanish)
Amir                 (Arabic)
Ammon             (Egyptian)
Amos                (Hebrew)
Andre                (French)
Andrey              (Russian)
Andy                  (English)
Angelo               (Italian)
Angus                 (Irish, Celtic, Scottish)
Andrew              (Greek)
Anthony              (Latin, Greek, Scottish)
Antonio               (Spanish)
Antonius              (unknown)
Apollo                 (Greek)
Archer                 (French, English)
Arnold                 (German, English)
Arpad                  (unknown)
Arthur                  (Celtic, English)
Ash                      (unknown)
Ashur                   (Hebrew)
Astro                    (Greek)
Athanasios            (unknown)
Atticus                  (English)
Augustus               (Latin)
Aurelius                (Spanish)
Austin                   (French, English)
Avigdor                 (Hebrew)
Axel                      (Hebrew, Spanish)

There you go! This is not a list of my favourites! This is a list of what sounded the most normal baby names. Also, there is a whole lot more boy names starting with A on this website.

- Petra

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